:: True style never shouts ::
Sorry readers, I can't help posting my phone... cos it's the first time I have my own first hand phone... all the previous ones were either used by my mom, dad, or mei or even all 3 before they pass to me...
I was looking for the description of the phone... and this was wat i found...

It says True style never shouts
-Elegant slim design
-2.0" screen with 16.7 million colors
-2 megapixel camera
-MP3 player and stereo FM radio
When I bought it, it wrote in a speech bubble, "I'm slim and sexy!!" on the leaflet... can't find it... but oh well...

The thickness is 13.1mm! can u believe it! it fits perfectly into my big, soft and sensitive hands...
They say the phone reflects the user rite..? rite? RITE?! RITE!!!???
I shall stop shouting... must remember True style never shouts... ok, back to my push ups... 100 more to go!
Had a Vision
on Thursday, May 31, 2007, 1:48 PM
:: half-half... everything is subjective... ::
let's see yesterday... was not so good... but not so bad either... i learnt alot during bible study... alot of sharing of points... which only lead me more affirmed that everyone is different. There really isn't anyway to change them... unless they want to be changed... So dealing with different ppl requires different approaches... ppl who wants details, MUST give them details... those who wants to get to the point, MUST get to the point asap... those who wants to crap, well, give them them crap then...
The thing is, oh nvm... no use explaining... basically, bees wants honey, rabbits wants carrot and cats wants fish.
Didn't get to go esply cos my bs finish late, becos it started late, becos someone was late, becos I gave a carrot to a bear when i should have given a fish... so it's ALL MY FAULT!!! I SHALL TAKE ALL THE BLAME!!! i have learnt my lesson...
yesterday my aim of doing 100 push-up failed as i only reached 80 before my day ended cos in the night i was trying hard to subdue an anger... today i shall do 200!
Now, need a game for sat...
Had a Vision
on , 12:51 PM
:: so cute rite.. ::
Look at my handphone! it so cute rite..?

like me rite?
Had a Vision
on Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 4:29 PM
:: My life.. my life.. my life, my life, my life ::
I dunno why but my life seems to be going like 1010101010101... binary numbers...

and yesterday was a bad day... anger was filled in me when i talked to my car instructor yesterday... i'm late cos i had to go school to make a payment so i called to ask if can change time to 30mins later... but he shout shout shout... wa lao eh... make my whole day mood no good sia... now i writing make me think of it, make me no good mood again... walao eh... i just hope today will be good... cos tmr i see him again ah... haiz...
Had a Vision
on , 2:18 PM
:: shopping spree! ::
Yesterday was a long day... I went out with my mom n mei to buy alot of things... first i went to hello shop to get new line n phone... Nokia 6300. Then we went to CPF to get my bonus... then we went to KFC to eat which was where we met Ah Hui, then we went to Orchard, my mom spot a mega sale of clothes there selling for $5 each n they look rather baggy, so i bought half a dozen of em... (i regretted later cos they were too big) then we continued to get my contact lens, 2 pairs, 1 grey, 1 purple (familiar?), my mei got new glasses cos her degree is increasing... Then lastly, I wanted to cut n dye my hair but I was running out of time so in the end I went to ECHouse to cut instead... not really cut, but i would say just a trim...
At night, I went to Esply to actually meet Larry and the b-boys but last mins he sms me say they got rehearsal at SMU so... we just sat there like a bunch of noobs... but this time our trip wasn't wasted as a small group of guys came and break... there were 2 rather muscular ones, one skinny one, and the other fat one... they all could to handstands... especially when the fat one did it... i went... WOW! so today before prayer meeting i going to try... if that big guy can do it, then i guess heavy weight is not an excuse to do a handstand rite?
Anyway, here are some pictures I took with my new phone! I didn't take the b-boys there... too amazed that i 4got...
The box of my new phone... can anyone teach me how to take a picture of my own phone..

The comb I got from EChouse which I later sat on... it's suppose to be straight...

And not to mention the future B-boys of EN...
Had a Vision
on Tuesday, May 29, 2007, 12:29 PM
:: Grand Opening of the new blog! ::
It's completed! The new blogskin/template or whatever you call it is completed!
The characters are the GentleSquall and CryptoCloud. One so complete, so absolute, and so colorful while the other so empty, so solitude and so not colorful... One lives life in extremes like the warmest of fire and the coolest of ice while the other hangs in the grey of darkness and light. One full of emotions, joy, anger, sadness and excitement while the other shows only but one true face.
Despite their own story, I have a story made up for them... like how they met... then how their journey goes on and all... haiz... if only I could draw, i'd seriously make a comic manz... I have the plot, the story, the character, their personality, now all I need is graphic interface...
Btw, the characters personality are base on a real person... make a guess who... =)
Had a Vision
on Monday, May 28, 2007, 2:32 AM
:: Phew! New Blogskin! ::
Hmm... got bored of my blogskin... I think this should last longer... it has 2 templates!
Still it's incomplete... Gotta think of what to write for the story of GentleSquall...
Comments anyone? I personally think it's 'ok' only... still can improve but I just dunno what I can add...
Had a Vision
on Sunday, May 27, 2007, 1:23 AM
:: Beautiful chibi eyes ::
I've been looking for beautiful chibi drawings, then I saw these very cool looking eyes so I say how ah? They were asking for a make over...
Squall and Cloud from Kingdom Hearts

After having tea with me in my photoshop...

Viola! GentleSquall and CryptoCloud!
Had a Vision
on Friday, May 25, 2007, 1:03 PM
:: Blah blah blah? ::
I never play sims today...
playing with photoshop...
will be changing blogskin...
this will take some time...
i wonder if there's anything new i can use on my blog...
Had a Vision
on , 12:35 AM
:: Making Pancakes ::
Six-year-old Brandon decided one Saturday morning to fix his parents pancakes. He found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair to the counter, opened the cupboard and pulled out the heavy flour canister, spilling it on the floor.
He scooped some of the flour into the bowl with his hands, mixed in most of a cup of milk and added some sugar, leaving a floury trail on the floor which by now had a few tracks left by his kitten.
Brandon was covered with flour and getting frustrated. He wanted this to be something very good for Mom and Dad, but it was getting very bad.
He didn't know what to do next, whether to put it all into the oven or on the stove and he didn't know how the stove worked! Suddenly he saw his kitten licking from the bowl of mix and reached to push her away, knocking the egg carton to the floor. Frantically he tried to clean up this monumental mess but slipped on the eggs, getting his pajamas white and sticky.
And just then he saw Dad standing at the door. Big crocodile tears welled up in Brandon 's eyes. All he'd wanted to do was something good, but he'd made a terrible mess. He was sure a scolding was coming, maybe even a spanking. But his father just watched him.
Then, walking through the mess, he picked up his crying son, hugged him and loved him, getting his own pajamas white and sticky in the process!
That's how God deals with us ... We try to do something good in life, but it turns into a mess. Our marriage gets all sticky or we insult a friend, or we can't stand our job, or our health goes sour.
Sometimes we just stand there in tears because we can't think of anything else to do. That's when God picks us up and loves us and forgives us, even though some of our mess gets all over Him.
But just because we might mess up, we can't stop trying to "make pancakes" for God or for others. Sooner or later we'll get it right, and then they'll be glad we tried .
I like this story...
Had a Vision
on Monday, May 21, 2007, 1:21 AM
:: I've been sick... but who cares... ::
I've been sick for like 2 weeks? but now i'm ok le... thank God... yesterday which i tot would be bad turned out ok... but today which i expected something turned out bad... haha
yesterday morning, i was still sick so i asked zhenling to pray for me which she did, though i tot she would call to pray but she prayed then msged me to ask me how i was.. so i tell her i'm better, but at that point i was eating kfc spicy chicken so my nose started to run due to the spicyness... so i told her i better but have running nose, so she prayed for my nose also, and I was cured!! Praise the Lord!
When I was leaving for cell group I was still like having a little feverish and giddy though so i popped a panadol b4 i left... On my way was quite jialat manz... I keep having these half blackouts... it feels like my brains shut down for that split second... like my com suddenly restart that kind of feeling... In cell, I was ok but I started to happen again in the eveing when I was on my way home... phew... thank God it's not a complete blackout.
As for today, I tot it would be a good day... cos i was early in church which i happen to told iris i will be late but God is good to me so I reached just on time and could even had breakfast before we started praying. I have to admit, Great initiative there by Iris, asking us to pray despite Faith not being there...
ok, so anyway the next 'bad' thing that happen was the worship... the sound was... haiz... how should i say this...? Distracting? The lower frequency of the guitar was just... haiz... and loud!!! the other instruments feel like they're all hidden in the background with the haiz... guitar so upfront... then i was like haiz... so close to the speaker...
Next, the sermon... The only thing I remember is the title... "the 3 must do" n i can't even remember what were the 3 things... haiz... then after sermon was just pathetic... simply pathetic... grown men can't decide what to eat for lunch... haiz... next time they ask, I'll say Eastlink. (full-stop)
On our way to tampines was rather interesting... I realise how typical people were when bad things happen and how quickly they would throw the blame on others... haiz... so everyone's sick because of me! I'll take the blame then... Haiz... (the sigh of the spirit) Then this emo guy suddenly emo... haiz... On my way home with someone (keep wearing that earphone) also so emo... whatever lah! whatever lah! You all know who lah! Anything lah! haiz... dunno who's trying to be special... haiz...
At home, my mei using com so i do what? stare at her play loh... then later she let me try that stupid game... which she kept complaining i play so slow... which i really did play very slowly but tactically enough for me to reach a rather high level on my first try... (spent like 1hr+ on it) eventually i pass to her and decided to watch MTV... finally, the last straw... my dad... say me again... he doesn't seem satisfied with me in everything I do manz... last few times was I train not enough, right after saying I train too much in a day, today he even has problem with me eating mango in the kitchen n not in the dining room? huh?! cannot eat mango in the kitchen just becos our ah gong does that? huh?! wah seh... dun say msn... i feel like appearing offline or better just stay sign out... In the end I took some out on my mom... I indirectly called her to shut up... haiz...
still I have to say there are something's that happen though... like my femine name... Sofie (she's special, she doesn't watch soccer and she plays sims)
YT gave me that name followed by another good one... Jushadlunchtats (long name but if written together with my full name... Jushadlunchtats Wai Shoufu --- that's not my english name btw... >.> <.<
total "haiz..." = 12
Dear Heavenly Father, I know you love me, I also know that you have a plan for me, I just want to say that those sighs I had today were the disappointments I had... I know that where there are dissappontments, there were expectations and when they were not met then there is a sigh... Lord I pray for your forgiveness... forgive me to take life for granted, forgive me for expecting too much and not realizing how blessed I already am... Holy Spirit, I pray you would use those sighs and transform them into something that would help me become stronger so that I will not get discouraged and have doubts, guide me on how to appreciate what I already have, teach me to be a better person and remind me not to expect too much than what I already have. In Jesus Christ most precious name I pray, amen.
Had a Vision
on Sunday, May 20, 2007, 10:29 PM
:: The long dream (yay! 300th post!) ::
I had a series of dream all that seem to be all connected and their mostly related to games i've played but not the one i'm playing recently... maybe i miss the games haha... Anyway...
At first the dream was about me and my mei playing a game like sonic, where we had to jump on the enemy to destroy it, we completed the game quite easily, I remembered there were ninja turtles in the dream... So anyway, we completed the game and we tried the insane mode of the game where the sonic-like creature get to hold 2 katanas like leonardo from tmnt, this time there were more enemies and involves more tactical play... there was something scary in this dream too was that my malaysia relatives were in there at some point of my dream and I was running away from them cos they wanted to invite me into their house...
Then all of a sudden, it was something like FF8, n i was sort of the party leader, we just killed a weapon or something den we wanted to like leave the place as soon as possible but somehow i was being stubborn and goes back into the big maze-like laboratory going back and forth throughout the map to find the hidden treasure, my party members weren't very happy about it, so they left suddenly...
While walking back and forth to get that last piece of treasure, I stumbled upon this framed artwork of 2 old lions, one of them look like simba and the other look like scar from the lion king but they didn't had that name on them, it somehow got to me that they were the great granchildren of simba and made me realize I was in the far future...
So anyway, as I was looking at the picture, it suddenly came alive and I wasn't surprised as they started talking, the scar-like lion started saying something to trick the simba-like lion out of the kingdom like "let's go hunt some food" I was curious when the scar-like lion came back alone so I asked it why it's doing this, and it told me that there is an ancient guardian monster looking after this kingdom and I want it as it points right of the picture...
Then not surprisingly, the screen of the picture started shifting itself to it's right to show the picture of the ancient creature which really were... ancients... there were 2 old looking salamander-like dragon which look something like the dragon from mulan, 1 being slightly bigger than the other... and they both look really really old... then the bigger one was like, what r u lookin at?
All of a sudden, it started to shake violently like an earthquake, the plot of land behind the ancient started to move, and from the ground emerged a gigantic dinosaur. Like several times the size of an Ankylosaurus, it looked like 1 too... just that it's tail could shoot frostballs like fireballs but freezes anything it touches... then dunno why i was in a deserted place chasing it... while chasing it, I had to dodge the frostballs that it shot.
Suddenly the creature I think it went into a cave or something so we (dunno why suddenly got so many people appear again) get ready ourselves by packing our stuffs and choosing a suitable item before we head off... then there were like how many dozens of wierd items and artifacts lying around. I saw this rainbow colored coral looking thing with a holder that comes with it and I was rather fascinated by it and started asking around to find out what it does but nobody knows what it does...
In the end, not knowing what it does... I chose it. Then I woke up. Yay! 300th post!
Had a Vision
on , 7:44 AM
:: i want to blog ::
i want to blog but i'll be late... about this very long dream i had... n the ache i'm havin too...
Had a Vision
on Saturday, May 19, 2007, 12:35 PM
:: didi didi ::
i feel like blogging something... but dunno wat to blog... i think i'll just whack my feelings out with anything that comes la...
wawa wawa wa
I hope to see a falling star
wawa wawa wa
So I can wish you arn't so far
didi didi
what lies beneath the deep blue sea
didi didi
will always be a mystery
yo yo yo
cool is a word so cold and low
yo yo yo
no rose, no flower can live ya know'
didi didi
He has the key to set us free
didi didi
so don't worry and be happy
Had a Vision
on Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 1:10 AM
:: Quarrels ::
Just now while bathing, the Holy Spirit prompt me... to read the bible... it wrote...
The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." -Galatians 5:14
I asked God, Is this the only verse? why?
He highlighted the word neighbor
Then I asked, why neighbor?
Then the word 'quarrel' came to me... so I went to look for answers...
NOW think
What are the possibility of 2 complete strangers getting into a quarrel?
What would be the possible reasons?
After going out for so many times, going out shopping or playing simply strolling around or even in school... How many times have we gotton into a quarrel/fight with a complete stranger? Or even seen one out of the many thousands of people we have walked pass?
BUT if the question was,
What are the possibility of 2 close friends getting into a quarrel?
What then are the possible reasons?
Is the possibility higher?
THEN once again if the question was,
What are the possibility of 2 family members getting into a quarrel?
What would the possible reasons be again?
Is it even higher?
Why is it that the closer we get to someone, the higher the chance of getting into a quarrel?
SO, if we knew the source of quarrels, will it make the world a better place?
Now this would make us wonder...
Where do fights and quarrels come from?
Answers are found here
Lesson learnt! Ah Fu levels up!
God I pray that you would teach me, guide me and mould my heart to not to desire so much cos when I do, I would kill to get what I want, then that would be of great sin. If I have lesser to expect from others, then I would have lesser disappointments. Please make me thankful for everything that may happen to me in life. Thank you for listening to my prayer. In Jesus Christ most precious name I pray, amen.
Had a Vision
on Saturday, May 12, 2007, 9:48 PM
:: Uncertainty ::

The picture says:
The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty.
The guy in the picture is Amarant Coral from FFIX
The thing about RPG is that there are some things that relate to real life...
Had a Vision
on , 8:56 PM
:: We just went to support... ::
Yesterday evening YT, LY n me went to UCC Hall of NUS to see a concert... 4got what it was... but Dong Ran was the 1 who invited... only 3 guys from our cell went... we didn't want to go but support mah... n literally we did went to support only cos we left at the interval... partially becos her performance was the second item only... n she left after her performance also...
then after tt, we 3 guys went to clementi coffee shop to eat... we talk many stuff... about who we might meet in army... the gays... the ah bengs... the blur sotongs... the chiiiooonng ahhhh... lol...
Had a Vision
on , 6:11 PM
:: 话语cool ::
I saw this on a bus... it was promoting chinese and since my chinese so lousy and i hate chinese so much i guess i have to mix it with something i like to learn it... so... let's learn chinese!!
Lesson 1: Moving Air
风 feng - Wind
微风 wei feng - Breeze
海风 hai feng - Sea Breeze
一阵强风 yi zhen qiang feng - Gust
龙卷风 long juan feng - Tornado, Cyclone
旋风 xuan feng - Whirlwind
小旋风 - xiao xuan feng - Dust Devil
台风 tai feng - Typhoon
暴风 bao feng - Hurricane, Squall, Windstorm
暴风雨 bao feng yu - Storm, Tempest
暴风雪 bao feng xue - Snowstorm, Blizzard
西风 xi feng - Zephyr
寒冷西北风 han leng xi bei feng - Mistral
Had a Vision
on Sunday, May 06, 2007, 10:32 PM